Calamari Filo Pastry Rolls

Recipe No.026

Squid Inc Int. 026-Calamari-Filo-Pastry-Rolls


2-3 Calamari steaks (partly thawed and sliced thinly as in Step 4)
6 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp grated ginger
3 cloves of finely diced garlic
150 grams finely diced pork neck
2 cups of bean sprouts
1 cup mushrooms sliced thinly
1/2 cup diced spring onions
1 tsp of castor sugar
1 tsp fish sauce
Cracked black pepper to taste
Filo pastry (kept moist under clean damp tea towel)


1. Add light soy sauce, ginger & garlic to your hot wok
2. Toss in pork and stir quickly
3. Add shredded calamari, bean sprouts, mushrooms, spring onions and sugar. Toss quickly until meat and vegetables are cooked
4. Prepare filo pastry and mixture and roll. Tuck in sides to a thickness you like
5. Place in hot oil and fry all over at 185ºC
6. Place onto absorbing paper; serve quickly with our tastiest dipping sauce (or Lacewood Wild Lime and Ginger Chilli Sauce)


The Original SQUID Inc. | Adelaide, South Australia

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